There are unfortunately a few mailservers out there that flat out refuse to accept mail from my mailserver.
Users of these will unfortunately have to find another mail-address when registering here. I have a lot of users with @hotmail.com so this will do.
I will add those domains that cannot be used to the list below as soon as I discover them.
@aim.com | @aol.co.uk | @aol.com | @aol.de | @att.com | @att.net | @austin.rr.com | @bellsouth.net | @carolina.rr.com | @cfl.rr.com | @citi.com | @columbus.rr.com | @comcast.net | @compuserve.de | @dhl.com | @ederpage.de | @email.de | @fahr-zur-hoelle.org | @fail.net | @flash.net | @frontiernet.net | @gentlemansclub.de | @gm-customercare.com | @gmx.at | @gmx.biz | @gmx.ch | @gmx.com | @gmx.de | @gmx.net | @goodfellow.af.mil | @hawaii.rr.com | @icqmail.com | @internode.on.net | @juno.com | @kapitelhaus.de | @katyisd.org | @kc.rr.com | @koewi.net | @lawrax.com | @mail.ru | @neo.rr.com | @netcologne.de | @netzero.com | @nurfuerspam.de | @pacific.net.au | @pochta.ru | @rub.de | @sbcglobal.net | @sc.rr.com | @simon-design.net | @sms.ed.ac.uk | @sonic.net | @stny.rr.com | @superstes.com | @svg-mail.org | @swbell.net | @t-online.de | @tauntonschool.co.uk | @terra-fighters.de | @terrainer.de | @toptable.info | @tornlaars-taverne.de | @trash-mail.com | @tx.rr.com | @voila.fr | @vp.pl | @web.com | @web.de | @woh.rr.com | @wolke7.net | @worldcourier.com.au | @zoominternet.net |
I am sorry about this, but there is nothing I can do about it at the moment.